Killeen Municipal Court of Record

Online Payment/Request Driver's Safety Course

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Important Announcements

Welcome to the Killeen Municipal Court of Record online payment website.  The most accurate way to search for your violation is the Citation or Complaint Number and Date of Birth.  You must enter the citation or complaint number as it appears on your citation and your court documents.  If your violaton is prefaced or ends with a letter, the letter must be entered as a capital into the search criteria.  

acceptable K222222 or  222222V
not acceptable k222222 or 222222v

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Important Announcements

Welcome to the Killeen Municipal Court of Record online payment website.  The most accurate way to search for your violation is the Citation or Complaint Number and Date of Birth.  You must enter the citation or complaint number as it appears on your citation and your court documents.  If your violaton is prefaced or ends with a letter, the letter must be entered as a capital into the search criteria.  

acceptable K222222 or  222222V
not acceptable k222222 or 222222v